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ADVISORY/ Five Reasons to Stay at DAC 2006 until the End of Thursday, July 27th

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SILICON VALLEY, California, June 29, 2006- If you usually leave DAC every year once the exhibition floor closes, think again this year. Winning a BOSE noise-canceling headphone is not the only reason why you should change your travel plans. Beginning at 4:30pm on Thursday, panelists from Aprio Technologies, Blaze DFM, Clear Shape Technologies, Mentor Graphics, Pyxis Technologies and Synopsys will present information on how their design for manufacturing (DFM) tools fit into a fixed design methodology, budget and timeline, and give real-world examples of expected return on investment (ROI).

There are five reasons this group of companies thinks you should attend the "DFM: Where's the Proof of Value?" panel rather than leaving before the 43rd Design Automation Conference is over:
  1. The conference is in San Francisco this year, so many of you don't need to catch a plane home early on the last day.
  2. For a good many of you, there is no need to reduce expenses by eliminating one night in a hotel - you can just drive home.
  3. Beginning at 4:30 pm on Thursday, July 27th, you will have a chance to hear five leading-edge DFM companies in EDA cite specific examples of ROI--monetary, quality, reduced time-to-market and yield enhancement.
  4. Beginning at 5:00 pm on Thursday, July 27th, this panel will accept an hour of questions and answers about real tools and real DFM projects from the floor, to help you make sense of your own DFM challenges and reach your own yield and throughput goals.
  5. The audience member who asks the best question will win a pair of Bose QuietComfort acoustic noise-canceling headsets.
We're sure you'll enjoy this lively panel. Please plan to attend.

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